Content writing-Is it even a valid career option?

“Oh! So, you are a content writer. What do you actually do to earn a living?” “Writing and stuff is okay. But you need to do something real in life, son." “That’s just some time-pass work that you are indulging in. You need to move on and get a job first.” These are some of the comments that a professional content writer gets to listen to from neighbours, relatives, even family members on a regular basis. No matter how good he or she is doing in life, it becomes next to impossible to convince a nosy neighbour that if done right, content writing can fetch you as much as six or seven figure income every month. Well, that is something that even a corporate employee strives hard to achieve. Thus, content writing is indeed a cool and beneficial career option. Content writing – A mainstream career option highly in demand Everyday people consume tons of content on social media platforms, shopping portals, business websites, magazines and journals. Just pause for a mi...