How to Write Website Content | Content Writer in Delhi


The Internet is a vast area of network and there are unlimited writers to share the knowledge and express their opinion. Writing over the Internet or providing content writing services can be incomplete and vain if there is no one to acknowledge and appreciate your efforts. So, capturing the reader’s attention is the most critical task for creating content for a website. Good SEO-friendly writing is an art which when developed, can help the website to appear on the top of search results. Following some tips can become a helping hand in developing valuable matters for the website. We got it together from a renowned website content writer.


  1.  Have an idea about your audience

Sounds easy but can be a hectic task if proper research is not done. Not everyone is interested in every kind of topic. Each group of people has some specifications on which their reading passion is based. So, before putting your fingers on the keyboard or putting pen on paper, ask yourself ‘Who is my target set of audience?’. For example, if you are designing content on ‘emotional health and wellness’, then you have two sets of audiences- first are those doctors who are counselors by profession, and the second one is those who are looking for some therapies to heal their stress and anxiety, by their own. A layman would not be interested in knowing the medical terms. Rather, they will be focusing on daily vocab such as symptoms, therapies, remedies, and cure. On the other hand, the counselor would be more interested in knowing about the triggering hormones that activate the panic state of mind. Hence, provide the content writing service, following your client.

2.     2. Blend your article with multimedia effects.

Pictures trigger minds faster than words. Sometimes, a simple image, or video, or an infographic, or a graphic speaks more than a thousand words. Human minds are an expert in storing the ‘essence’ of any picture, without even reading the entire subject. So, have eye-catching art or image to go along with the text.

Images also give a break to the reader, by giving time to analyze the reader concepts of the previous paragraph, before moving to the next line.

3.    3. Keep some secrets.

Don’t reveal everything on your website itself. Keep some information hidden and provide the links to read them further. Through some tactics on the reader so that the person becomes curious to know more about your website and services. For example, ‘Instead of giving every information about your content writing agency, and about the areas on which your company writes, add a link which says that for every customer, we have a customized set of writers who will handle every client individually’.

Do you feel like a pro website content writer? Drafting, in general, is hard work. Drafting for particular website content is even more tedious task. But, using some approaches and editing tasks after every draft, can make you a well-versed scholar in providing content writing services.

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